Summer Sunday Supper

Ars Longa

Ars Longa 1998, oil on canvas, 40 x 48 inches  (Don Ed Hardy and Bud)

On these warm summer days I plan meals that can be prepared in the cool of the morning and served with little fuss.  And with the heat, cold soups are perfect to anchor a supper menu.

We are traveling to San Francisco this week to help celebrate the opening of Don Ed Hardy’s retrospective exhibition at the deYoung Museum so I needed to clean out my fridge.  I had beets from Zwecks’ farm and couldn’t bear to waste them so decided to make a beet soup.

I first made this  with a Walla Walla onion given to me by my friend Sue Macdougall, who grew upon a ranch near Walla Walla and orders the onions each year.  I didn’t have one today so I used a red onion.

First I steamed the beets until tender.


I sauteed half an onion, chopped, and two stalks of celery in two tablespoons of olive oil then added the steamed, peeled beets cut into chunks, a handful of dill from my garden and four cups of water.


This gently simmered, partially covered,  until the veggies were soft.  I cooled the soup for a bit before whizzing in the blender until perfectly smooth.  I tasted for salt and was amazed, as I am each time I prepare this, at the luxurious velvety texture.  Into jars and then the fridge to chill until dinner time.



Served with a dollop of Greek yogurt, a dusting of minced cilantro, and avocado toast topped with smoked trout along side.  A simple supper before our travels.



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